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How to trade on DECX?

Posted on:2016-03-29 11:16 Page views:8396

We have two sample modes for you. 

One mode: After inspect the quality and standards, your cargoes will be shown on the DECX platform, for example if your offer is 1350 USD, once Chinese buyers want to buy, DECX’S alliance agencies will buy your cargoes directly from the DECX appointed warehouse in exporter’s country, they pay the dollars to exporters directly. The other things like shipments, L/C, and delivery, will be done by DECX agency themselves. So this trade mode for exporters only is like domestic trade in your own country.

Second mode: After inspect the quality and standards, your cargoes will be shown on the DECX platform, for example if your offer is 1350 USD, once Chinese buyers want to buy, Chinese buyers open the L/C to exporters, then exporters can loan money from bank by L/C, the exporters can use this money to buy cargoes from farmers or ECX, then exporters delivery the cargoes and together the all set of documents to DECX appointed warehouse, the DECX agencies will pay money to exporters directly. The other things like shipments, L/C, and delivery, will be done by DECX agency themselves.