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Production situation of sesame in India
Posted on:2015-12-09 11:49 Page views:5065
India is the largest country in the world. India sesame seeds have two main production season: winter, March - October; summer, after March.
India sesame seeds in the country with different agricultural climate with planting, sesame varieties are: edible white sesame, black sesame edible, golden sesame, Huang Zhima, red sesame, sesame seeds, and sesame seeds.
India sesame annual production of 650 thousand tons to 800 thousand tons, accounting for the world's total production of sesame seeds 25-30%. Single yield in 200-800 kg / ha.
Listed the new normal year in mid September. India sesame domestic consumption of 10 million tons (including washing), 35 million tons of oil from domestic, export of 21.5 million tons, kind and season ending inventory 3.5 million tons. Sesame exports to the Far East to the Far East, the Middle East, 40 thousand tons, 40 thousand tons in the Mediterranean, 20 thousand tons in Western Europe, tons in the United States, 10 thousand tons, 10 thousand tons in Eastern Europe, 20 thousand tons in other regions. The main export varieties are white sesame, black sesame, sesame oil, sesame seeds and so on.