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Production situation of sesame in Ethiopia

Posted on:2015-12-09 11:58 Page views:4299

            Ethiopia is located in the east of Africa, with a total area of 1 million 100 thousand square kilometers, with a total population of 80 million. The capital is Addisababa. Ethiopia has a suitable agricultural climate, fertile soil and rich water resources, and has a variety of agricultural production can be engaged in a variety of cheap labor. Nationwide, 85% of the population engaged in agriculture, agriculture accounted for 46% of the gross national product, accounting for 90% of the total export value. Ethiopia's main export products: coffee, oilseeds, beans, leather and leather products, flowers, etc..
            Ethiopia production of oilseed products: sesame, peanut, sunflower seed, flaxseed and castor etc.. 2006/07 the total annual production of 507311 tons of oilseeds, exports 235215 tons, accounted for the total national export value of 16.5%. Ethiopia sesame main producing areas: Northern and northwestern state (Gonder, Humera), southwest of the state (Wellega). Sesame total planting area of more than 250 thousand hectares, of which, 100 thousand hectares of commercial operations. The average annual growth rate of planting area is 7%, and the yield is about 0.4-0.8 tons per hectare. 2001 / 02 Ethiopian sesame yield for 36270 tons, 2006 / 07 annual yield of sesame for 16 million tons, 5 years in the growth of 341, with an average annual growth of 34.5%, equivalent to 31.5% of the total oilseed production.
            Ethiopia sesame seed mainly has the following three kinds: Type Gonder, Type Humera and Wellega. Their respective characteristics are: Type Humera with a unique aroma and sweet taste, and a large white large grain, oil content to reach 50-52%, especially suitable for adding flavor agent. The Gonder Type unified common white, Sami and oil. Smaller Wellega particles, the oil content of up to 50-56%, suitable for oil.