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On February 18th port news

Posted on:2016-02-18 20:08 Page views:2490

            Qingdao huangdao port a busy scene today, business customers staff continue to increase. Port warehouse total outbound 1000 tons, all day yesterday was flat, with huge huida warehouse especially active outbound more than 300 tons, of course, outbound sesame variety and in the majority with Ethiopian sesame and sesame production in Nigeria. Storage amount to more than 50 cabinet today, than yesterday number increased.
            Port stocks before the old stock gradually reduce, of course, along with the shipment is also relatively low prices. Shipment sesame prices slightly down yesterday, today the Ethiopian sesame production level of new stock prices for 8700 ¥/T to 8800 ¥/T, Ethiopian sesame production level of old stock prices remain at 8200 ¥/T, Ethiopian sesame production level 2 new stock prices for 8300 ¥/T, Nigeria sesame production price is 7300 - 7300 ¥/T, Tanzania sesame production price is 8500 yuan/ton, mozambique sesame production price is 8400 ¥/T.
            Tianjin port around 40 throughout the total storage tank, the Ethiopian sesame production accounted for 50%, were put in storage tank, 20 remaining sesame and from Togo sesame to Nigeria.
            According to Ethiopia ECX, according to data from the disk hope slightly rising prices can give dealers to add a bit of confidence, and continue to promote port circulation of goods in the warehouse.