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The 21th Weekly Sesame Report

Posted on:2018-05-28 14:52 Page views:4159

Source: China AGLOOK!


The 21th week (May 19 -May 25), the domestic sesames prices are stable and the imported sesame prices are increased compared with last Friday.


Major China Ports Spot Price:  (USD vs RMB:6.38:1)


a. Huangdao Port:

Humera good

10300-10500 yuan/ton(1614-1646 USD/MT)


Humera common

10100 yuan/ton(1583 USD/MT)



9900 yuan/ton(1552 USD/MT)


Gadarif best

9800-10000 yuan/ton(1536-1567 USD/MT)


Gadarif common

9100-9300 yuan/ton(1426-1458 USD/MT)


Togo best……

Nigeria mixed sesame......


For more information about the latest price, the latest market trends, the latest inventory & the latest customs data, please feel free to contact us!



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