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Current page:Home > News center> Reports > Will the Crazy Rise in Sesame Price be Good or Bad for the market development?

Will the Crazy Rise in Sesame Price be Good or Bad for the market development?

Posted on:2018-06-28 15:43 Page views:2651

Source: From China AGLOOK!

At that time, the US dollar was raising the interest rates. A large amount of the capital flew back to the United States, leading to the economic crisis in many countries. It caused the price of the goods to be increased sharply directly. Of course, the price of the sesame from Sudan and Ethiopia was increased, too, especially the sesame from Sudan, its price was increased so much. The inflation of prices of the two major sesame producing countries leaded to the price rise of each commodity directly,including the sesame.


When the traders got out from the financial crisis, they stock the goods and unwilling to sell the goods. At this time, the overseas sesame price was increased sharply, it was easy to make all of the traders to unite together to increase the price to form a seller’s market. The other reason is that many factories didn’t stock more goods. Because they thought there were so much inventory at China port. Even though some factories had the stock, the quantity is small and it couldn’t resist the risk for a long time. When the sesame market suddenly changed from the buyers’ market to the seller’s market, the factories became very helpless. In order to maintain their customers, they have to continue to buy the good. The price were firm and rised. Besides, the traders zoomed the advantage factors, leading the price to be rised widely.


There is a habit in China sesame market that......


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