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Current page:Home > News center> Reports > It rained heavily in most areas recently. How will it affect on the sesame market?

It rained heavily in most areas recently. How will it affect on the sesame market?

Posted on:2018-07-04 15:08 Page views:3285

Source: From China AGLOOK!


The above mentioned areas are mostly the important sesame production area. And at this time, it is just the seeding stage of China sesame. The high-intensity heavy rainfall has a great destructive power, which may affect the sesame seeds in the seeding stage, causing the farmers to replant the seedlings. From now on, the affection of the heavy rain just affect on some areas. The key period is the ripening period. If it will have the continuous heavy rain again, it must affect on the production of the sesame. Because the heavy rain will cause the sesame to be fell down. The continuous rainfall is not good to pollination of sesame seeds, neither, which will seriously affect on the yield and quality of the sesame. And the production will be reduced seriously. The sesame will be smashed. The end part will become yellow. The oil content will not be high.


According to the forecast of Central Meteorological Observatory, in the sesame main production area: Xiangyang, Zaoyang, Fuyang and Pingyu, it will have more rain in the next 40 days. But the sesame is a drought-tolerant crop. The excessive rain will not be good for the growth of the sesame. So the sesame production area in China will face to the test of the weather. I will continue to pay more attention on the weather conditions in the main sesame production areas.


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