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Current page:Home > News center> News > Now the inflation rate in Sudan has reached to 49%.

Now the inflation rate in Sudan has reached to 49%.

Posted on:2019-06-21 17:20 Page views:2291

It was reported on Jun 19th,2019 tht since the beginning of 2019,International Monetary Fund (IMF) published the inflation data in the world successively.Now the inflation rate in Sudan has reached to 49%,only second to the inflation in Venezuela 905% and Zimbabwe 73%.After the South Sudan has been separated since 2011,the sales of the main exportation goods in the economic of Sudan---petroleum has suffered a big lost.The debt was increased continuously.They can’t get the overseas loan and the sanctions from USA.All of these factors have hindered the Sudan’s development.The People Revolution begun from December,2018, overthrew the former president--Bashir’s regim and made the Sultan’s economy paralyzed finally.The political turmoil,which has lasted for 6 months,has made the Sultan’s economy very difficult.The economic measures from the Military Government also can’t work.