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Current page:Home > News center> News > From May 15th,2019 to July 7th,the total sesame auction quantity in Tanzania is 61,222.8744 tons.

From May 15th,2019 to July 7th,the total sesame auction quantity in Tanzania is 61,222.8744 tons.

Posted on:2019-07-22 17:33 Page views:3887

It is estimated that at least half of the sesame will be sold via auction this year.This will be helpful for increasing the farmers’ income and increase the farmers’ enthusiasm for planting the sesame.Accoridng to the statistics,from May 15th,2019 to July 7th,the total sesame auction quantity in Tanzania is 61,222.8744 tons.And the actual transaction quantity is 63,176.1384 tons with the average auction closing price 2,841 shilling/KG (the price to China warehouse is at 11,597.88RMB/T).