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The exchange rate between on-shore RMB/offshore RMB to Dollar are all more than 7RMB.
Posted on:2019-08-13 17:05 Page views:2483
According to what we know,the exchange rate between on-shore RMB/offshore RMB to Dollar are all more than 7RMB.Such exchange rate is testing the confidence of the market.If it is less than 7,it means that the RMB exchange rate is under control generally.But if it is more than 7,it means that the cross-boarder capital flows,the importation and foregin reserves will have a fluctuation in a certain degree.In fact, in the view of the exchange rate 7 or 6.9 or 7.1,there is not a big difference.But the importance is the psychological price and the market behavior.For the Chinese importers,it means that the importation cost is increased.It will be bad for the Chinese importers to buy the sesame from abroad.In this view,the Chinese importers are more willing to have a higher sales price.It will be good for the present sesame market in China.